The Moses Couch Family
The Moses Couch family has long been of interest to me, and I am pleased to share a book documenting my research on this family. It is not my intent to profit from this book, but to make the results of my research readily available to anyone with an interest in this family. To that end, I have posted a copy of the book, The Moses Couch Family, on this web site.
Readers are reminded that this book, The Moses Couch Family, is protected by copyright. The book may be viewed on screen, and/or downloaded onto a hard disk for your personal use, provided the copyright notice remains intact on each copy, that you make no alterations to any of the pages, and that you do not use any of the pages in any other work or publication without permission of the author.
To view The Moses Couch Family in its entirety, click here. The book is formatted as a searchable PDF file, and you will need Adobe Reader 5, or a later release of Adobe Reader, to view the book.
Readers are reminded that this book, The Moses Couch Family, is protected by copyright. The book may be viewed on screen, and/or downloaded onto a hard disk for your personal use, provided the copyright notice remains intact on each copy, that you make no alterations to any of the pages, and that you do not use any of the pages in any other work or publication without permission of the author.
To view The Moses Couch Family in its entirety, click here. The book is formatted as a searchable PDF file, and you will need Adobe Reader 5, or a later release of Adobe Reader, to view the book.