John R. Brewer Letter Pleading for a Pension
Four years after first he filed an application for a pension, John R. Brewer wrote the following letter to the Commissioner of Pensions.
The letter reads as follows:
Mytle Oregon. Co. Mo Apriel 17 1887.
Mr James Tanner
Dear Sier I tak this pleasier file an alfidavit to let you no when and wher I receivd my wouds I bee long to Captins Skurlock Compney an ridgment commandit buy leutenant Col david cowfield of alabamey mounted volienteers in 1836 and 307 and was onn a skout of 14 days to the Everglaids off Eastern Florida to a olde indain town called cooper town after the olde chieaf cooper of the hostile simminoles indianens rite thear in a charge I gote my wonds after too off Chief Coopers negrows thate was on or neear the laste off January or the first of febuary 1837 I was throwen onn the horne off my olde saddle and brused mee in my grines bursted a sall plais threw my rite grine an a nother plais on the left side oppeset my nable and they have grown onn mee and has disabled mee from manuel laiber for a boute 38 years if eney Soldier is worthey of a pension I am wone of them So this is my alphidavide swren to and seal fit to (???) yours truley John, R, Brewer to
Mr James Tanner
Commissiner of pension
I have done all I can doo and spente all I have in tryen to gite this mater fixt I and my wife is olde and verey feable and shorley stay hear mutch langer. we have to live while we doo stay bute nothen to stay onn so no more.