Other Landwehr Families
While the Landwehr surname is not a common name, neither is it a rare name within those areas of the country where large numbers of German immigrants once settled. In our search for information about our Landwehr family in Franklin and Warren Counties, Missouri, we have occasionally come across information about three other Landwehr families who were early settlers in the same area. We also receive queries from descendants of these three other Landwehr families, asking if we are related. In an attempt to assist the descendants of all of the Landwehr families in the area, a brief biography of the other three Landwehr families is provided here. In order to conserve space, information is only provided for the male lines of those families. Some of the following material has been extracted from other published sources, and only limited attempts have been made to verify its accuracy.
New Haven Landwehr Family
Johann Wilhelm 'William' Landwehr was born in Lenzinghausen, Prussia on April 9, 1816. The village of Lenzinghausen was located less than three miles northwest of Joellenbeck, the home of our Landwehr family (see :figref refid=minden.). William was the son of Johann Heinrich Landwehr and Anna Ilsabein Kuhlemann. William Landwehr's grandfather was from the village of Joellenbeck. While we have not been able to establish any relationship between this Landwehr family and our Landwehr family, it would seem likely that there was some distant relationship.
We know that William Landwehr arrived in Franklin County no later than 1851. On July 21 of that year, he purchased forty acres of Franklin County land from the U.S. Government. The land was located two miles south and three miles west of New Haven. Two years later, on July 8, 1853, he bought another forty acres from the Government two miles south and five miles west of New Haven. On January 20 of the next year, he purchased an adjoining forty acres in a private sale.
William apparently lived in northwest Franklin County the rest of his life. He died on August 31, 1896, and was buried in the Evangelical and Reform Church Cemetery in New Haven.
William's first marriage was to Marie 'Mary' Hartenhorst. Mary was born in Prussia approximately 1821-22, and probably died in northwest Franklin County in the mid-1860's. She is said to be buried in the Bethany Evangelical Church cemetery southeast of Hermann.
After Mary's death, William Landwehr married Johanna Elizabeth 'Hannah' (Drewel) Indembirken. They were married in Franklin County on April 25, 1865. Hannah was born on June 4, 1831, in the Prussian village of Brockhagen, near Halle. Brockhagen is located only ten miles southwest of Joellenbeck. Hannah is said to have had three children from her prior marriage to Mr. Indembirken. We believe that William Landwehr had four children by his first wife (Mary), and six by his second wife (Hannah). Hannah died on November 18, 1916.
Friedrich 'Fred' Landwehr, born in Missouri approximately 1852.
Heinrich John 'Henry' Landwehr, born near New Haven on July 1, 1854. He married Friederike C. Begemann on February 3, 1887. They lived near Higginsville most of their lives. Henry died December 8, 1941, and is buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery at Higginsville. Friederike was born on January 1, 1866, and died on November 10, 1962.
Ella C. W. Landwehr, born December 13, 1887, died December 11, 1960, buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery in Higginsville, Missouri. No children.
Addie L. Landwehr, born May 19, 1890. Did not marry. Lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
Lydia A. Landwehr, born March 4, 1892, married John Freese on October 13, 1913, lived in Higginsville, Missouri, died March 11, 1940.
Caroline A. Landwehr, born March 14, 1894, married Daniel C. Meinershagen on September 12, 1916, died in March of 1973.
Leah W. Landwehr, born March 5, 1896, lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
John H. Landwehr, born at Higginsville, Missouri, on August 22, 1897, lived four miles north of Odessa, Missouri, married Florence Marie Colvin at Higginsville on December 2, 1934, died May 12, 1975, buried in the Greenton Cemetery.
William F. Landwehr, born August 26, 1900, married Emma Lefman on September 18, 1934, died August 16, 1973. Emma was born July 16, 1902. Both are buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery, Higginsville, Missouri.
Myrna L. Landwehr, born October 20, 1935.
Elmer A. Landwehr, born March 26, 1903, married Margaret Wagener, died September 22, 1966. Margaret was born in 1910. They are both buried in the Higginsville City Cemetery, Higginsville, Missouri.
David Keith Landwehr, born September 23, 1945, married Gladys Bredehoeft on April 12, 1969.
Cora J. Landwehr, born October 1, 1971.
Johathan D. Landwehr, born November 10, 1974.
Jean Ann Landwehr, born December 7, 1947.
Ruth J. Landwehr, born January 5, 1905, married Edward Held on October 18, 1927, lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
Louisa 'Louise' Landwehr, born in Missouri on December 24, 1858. She was married in Franklin County, Missouri on April 22, 1878 to Christian 'Chris' Wolf. They lived at Hermann, Missouri. Louise died on April 14, 1932. Christian was born on February 7, 1842, and died on September 1, 1913. They are both buried in the Hermann City Cemetery.
Caroline 'Lina' Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1861. She married Jacob Schorr.
Minna Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1864.
Charlotte Landwehr was born in Missouri on February 28, 1866, and married C. F. Busse.
Ernst Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1867. He lived on the Landwehr home place near New Haven.
Oscar Landwehr
Arthur Landwehr
Matilda Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1869. She died of the croup in April of 1870, at one year of age.
Lydia Landwehr was born in Missouri on September 8, 1872. She married Charles Mehrhoff on May 2, 1889. They lived near Berger, Missouri. She died November 15, 1945.
Mary Louise Landwehr was born near New Haven, Missouri, on March 12, 1876. She married William August Czeschin. She died on January 29, 1920, and is buried in the Evangelical Cemetery at Napoleon, Missouri.
p3.Warren County Landwehr Family:ehp3.
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:p.Casper Heinrich Landwehr was born in Hanover approximately 1809. His wife, Anna Maria Knipmeyer, was born in Hanover approximately 1810-1811. The Casper Landwehr family emigrated to the United States in 1843. They first settled on Franklin Avenue in St. Louis, where Casper was a tailor by trade. In 1849 the family moved to Warren County and settled on eighty acres north of Warrenton, just south of Big Creek.
Casper Landwehr and his wife suffered much adversity. All except three of their children died at young ages. Several died of cholera when the family lived in St. Louis. Casper's other children were:
:li.Maria 'Mary' Landwehr married Henry Bothe, and moved to Minnesota.
:li.Maria Anna Catherine 'Catherine' Landwehr was born in Hanover approximately 1839-40. She married H. W. 'Henry' Schulze, Sr., and they continued to live in Warren County.
:li.William Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1859-60.
:li.Charles Landwehr was born in St. Louis approximately 1848-49. He married Louise Drosselmeyer in April of 1873. Louise was born in Hanover approximately 1851-52. After their marriage, they lived on a farm east of St. Paul's Evangelical (Rock) Church, which is located on Highway 47 north of Warrenton. In 1879, Charles bought eighty acres of prairie land, and in 1881 built a home. He later purchased an adjoining eighty acres.
:li.George Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1873-74. Along with his brothers Edward and William, George purchased the Bolm Mill property in Truesdale in 1905. George and Edward owned the Landwehr Brothers Store in Truesdale until their deaths. George died in 1951.
:li.Edward H. Landwehr was born in Warren County on September 22, 1875. He was married to Amelia Bolm. Edward was a merchant, in the flour and feed store business. He died at Truesdale on July 27, 1944, and was buried at Warrenton.
:li.Lucile Landwehr married Julius Schulze. Lucile lives near Warrenton, and is an officer and active member of the Warren County Historical Society.
:li.Melna Landwehr married a Mr. Bolm.
:li.William F. Landwehr was a twin brother of Edward H. Landwehr. He later moved to Hawk Point, where he managed the elevator.
:li.Louis E. Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1877-78. He owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Henry Landwehr owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Sarah Landwehr married Fred Meine. They owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Anna Landwehr married Herman Welling. They owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Lydia Landwehr remained on the home place.
:li.John Landwehr remained on the home place.
:li.George H. Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1855-56. He died of congestive chills in Warren County in February of 1870.
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:hp3.Gasconade County Landwehr Family:ehp3.
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:p.Friedrich Wilhelm Landwehr was born in Dissen Amt. Iburgr. Hannover, Germany on May 13, 1817. He married Anna Maria Leimkuehler, who was born in Dissen Konigreich Handfer in 1818. In 1850, Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Maria left their native country to come to the United States, bringing with them their three small children. One report states that the colony they joined coming to America first landed at Galveston, Texas, but later found their way up the Mississippi to St. Louis. Another report states that they landed at New Orleans, then traveled up the Mississippi to St. Louis. In any event, the family came up the Missouri by boat from St. Louis to Hermann, Missouri, and then traveled through Gasconade County to a farm on Third Creek near Woollam, where they arrived in the fall of 1850.
A small acreage on Third Creek was purchased from the United States government, and gradually more land was acquired from the government and other landowners, until the farm increased in size considerably. This farm remained in the Landwehr family for over one hundred years. It was sold by August Landwehr, grandson of F. Wilhelm, in 1957.
Shortly after coming to Gascondade County, F. Wilhelm Landwehr also purchased an acreage a short distance down Third Creek from the original farm. This acreage grew over a period of twenty years or so to its present size of three hundred fifty-three acres, and it is still owned by descendants of the Landwehr family.
There were nine children in the family, although one cannot be accounted for by name, possibly having been born in Germany and passing away at an early age. Friedrich Wilhelm died on September 4, 1890, and Anna Maria died on January 9, 1900. Both are buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Wilhelm F. 'William' Landwehr was born October 1, 1840, and died December 18, 1916. He married Amalia L. Schreimann (born May 4, 1843, died June 14, 1915) on January 19, 1863. In 1873 they moved from Third Creek to Mt. Sterling. William was a cattle buyer, who rode a horse around the country buying livestock. William and Amalia are both buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Fritz Landwehr was born November 16, 1863, and died at age nine.
:li.Louis Landwehr was born January 4, 1866, and married Augusta Hoerstfeldt. He was a storekeeper and farmer at Bem, in Gasconade County.
:li.William Landwehr
:li.George Landwehr
:li.Minnie Landwehr was born in 1869, and married Edward Czeschin, a blacksmith at Mr. Sterling. Some years later they moved to Pleasant Hill and engaged in dairy farming.
:li.Edward Landwehr was born in 1871, and married Mary Class. He was a carpenter in Oklahoma City.
:li.Wesley Landwehr married Heretta Krueger.
:li.George Landwehr was born on January 15, 1873, and died February 28, 1873.
:li.Henry Landwehr was born on July 21, 1876, and died in 1947. He engaged in farming with his brother Ben at Mt. Sterling.
:li.William F. Landwehr was born on May 1, 1879, and died on March 23, 1955. He engaged in farming with his brother August. William is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.August H. Landwehr was born on July 27, 1881, and died May 29, 1949. He married Louise H. Schaeperkoetter (born November 6, 1884, died January 18, 1961) on April 7, 1907. They engaged in farming at Mt. Sterling. Both are buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Infant Daughter Landwehr was born and died in 1909.
:li.Helen Landwehr was born on November 3, 1911, and married Chester Hesemann (born January 27, 1911) on June 8, 1935.
:li.Waldo Landwehr was born on September 13, 1915. He was a teacher, and farmed at Mr. Sterling with his brother Homer.
:li.Homer Landwehr was born May 7, 1922. Waldo and Homer never married, and resided on the home farm at Mt. Sterling.
:li.Carl Landwehr was born and died in in 1884. He is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Ben Landwehr was born on June 12, 1888, and died July 15, 1964. He married Etta Brinkmann (born April 2, 1892, died November 2, 1972) on April 8, 1912. He was engaged in farming. Both Ben and Etta are buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Florence Landwehr was born January 28, 1913, and died February 3, 1913. She is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Pearl Mildred Landwehr was born on June 25, 1915, and died July 13, 1915. She is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Myrtle Landwehr was born August 1, 1916. She married Arthur Schneider (born August 31, 1914) on January 16, 1939.
:li.Opal Landwehr was born February 12, 1921. She worked at the shoe factory.
:li.Leslie Landwehr was born August 2, 1925. He was a farmer.
:li.Eunice Landwehr was born November 28, 1931, and married Nolan Rinne (born November 25, 1929) on April 21, 1956. They lived at Holt Summit.
:li.Katherine Landwehr was six years old when they came to America. She married Fredrick Witte and lived near Bay, in Gasconade County.
:li.Friedrich 'Fritz' Landwehr was born in Dissen Amt. Iburg. Hanover, Germany on February 2, 1849, and came to America with his parents at the age of one year. Fritz married Henrietta Kremer. They had four children: Henry, William, Mary, and August.
:p.Henrietta was born on March 28, 1854, and died March 4, 1883. She is buried in St. John's Cemetery near Woollam. In January of 1884, Fritz married Caroline S. Ridder (born June 29, 1863, died July 13, 1943). They had two children: Emma and Julius. Fritz lived on the Landwehr farm on Third Creek, which had been acquired by his parents when they came to America in 1850. In 1896, they moved a short distance down Third Creek to another farm owned by his parents, where they farmed until his death on May 14, 1931. Both are buried in the Zoar Presbyterian Cemetery.
:li.Henry Landwehr married Lizzie Leimkuehler. Their marriage ended in divorce. While married, they ran a general store at Stolpe. Later Henry went to Winifred, South Dakota, where he was postmaster. On his retirement, he returned to Missouri, and passed away on August 31, 1954.
:ol compact.
:li.Armin Landwehr
:li.Clarence Landwehr
:li.Stella Landwehr
:li.William Landwehr was born on October 1, 1876. He married Wilhelmina Hunke. They lived on the original Landwehr farm from 1900 to 1909, when they moved to Waukomis, Oklahoma. Their first four children were born near Woollam, in Gasconade County. Their last six children were born in Oklahoma. William moved his family and possessions by train, and farmed near Waukomis. He died October 26, 1958.
:ol compact.
:li.Caroline (Lena) Landwehr
:li.Laura Landwehr
:li.Hulda Landwehr
:li.Flora Landwehr
:li.Harry Landwehr
:li.Elmer Landwehr
:li.Verda Landwehr
:li.Marvin Landwehr
:li.Fern Landwehr
:li.Marcella Landwehr
:li.Mary Landwehr married Charles Schlottach and lived in St. Louis at the time of the World's Fair. Later they moved to the Woollam area. Then they moved to Oklahoma where they farmed, later moving to Enid.
:li.August F. Landwehr was born October 23, 1882 and in 1909 married Frieda Brinkmann (born December 1, 1882, died September 15, 1915). They engaged in mercantile business in Higginsville for a while, but later moved back to the Woollam area. Frieda died in 1915, and is buried in the Third Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. After his second marriage, to Katherine D. 'Katie' Haring (born April 20, 1893, died November 3, 1952) in 1918, August resided on the original Landwehr farm. Katie passed away in 1952, and in 1957 he sold the farm. The farm had been in the family for over 100 years. He moved to Owensville and married Mrs. Alma Wolking in 1958. He died on July 1, 1967. August and his second wife, Katie, are both buried in the Owensville City Cemetery.
:li.Emma Landwehr married Benjamin Suelthaus. They had one daughter.
:li.Julius Landwehr was born on February 16, 1894, and married Lizzie F. Laubert on November 17, 1917. They lived on the Landwehr farm. Julius died on May 25, 1973, and Lizzie died on August 16, 1974. Both are buried in the Owensville City Cemetery.
:li.Sterling Landwehr married Mrs. May Wright, and continued to live on the Landwehr farm until August 1978, when they sold the farm and moved to Owensville.
:li.Mary Landwehr was born about 1859, married August Schroeder in 1878, and died on May 8, 1915. They lived at Dunbar, Nebraska, and had five children.
:li.John Henry 'Henry' Landwehr was born March 7, 1854. He married Anna Schroeder (born August 10, 1860), sister of the August Schroeder who married Henry's sister, on March 11, 1880. They moved to Lorton, Nebraska, in 1890. Henry died on February 10, 1920.
:li.Diedrich Landwehr married Sophia Teten.
:li.Willard Landwehr married Maxine Wurtele.
:li.Herman Landwehr married Emma, and lived at Dunbar, Nebraska.
:li.Lorene Landwehr
:li.Hilda Landwehr
:li.Roy Landwehr married Eilene Klingenberg. They have three sons.
:li.Henry Landwehr married Leona Bromeier, and lived at Dunbar, Nebraska.
:li.Dean Landwehr married Eilene Henry.
:li.Don Landwehr married Kathleen Schulte.
:li.Lavonne Landwehr married Victor Grundman.
:li.Anna Landwehr married Albert Weber. They had two sons. Anna died in 1935.
:li.Ida Landwehr married Carl Doermann. They had three sons. Ida died in 1935.
:li.Lydia Landwehr married Frank Meyer. They lived at Talmage, Nebraska, and had three daughters.
:li.Amanda Landwehr married Walter Vollertson. They had two children, and lived at Cook, Nebraska.
:li.Wilhelmina 'Minnie' Landwehr married Hermann Neese (born September 15, 1845, died January 20, 1937) on April 29, 1875. They lived along Third Creek. Both are buried in St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Anna Landwehr was born on January 3, 1852, and died on April 20, 1868, about a year after Dietrich's death. She is buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Dietrich Landwehr was born on June 26, 1855. He was thrown from a horse at the age of twelve, and died as a result of the accident on July 26, 1867. He is buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
New Haven Landwehr Family
Johann Wilhelm 'William' Landwehr was born in Lenzinghausen, Prussia on April 9, 1816. The village of Lenzinghausen was located less than three miles northwest of Joellenbeck, the home of our Landwehr family (see :figref refid=minden.). William was the son of Johann Heinrich Landwehr and Anna Ilsabein Kuhlemann. William Landwehr's grandfather was from the village of Joellenbeck. While we have not been able to establish any relationship between this Landwehr family and our Landwehr family, it would seem likely that there was some distant relationship.
We know that William Landwehr arrived in Franklin County no later than 1851. On July 21 of that year, he purchased forty acres of Franklin County land from the U.S. Government. The land was located two miles south and three miles west of New Haven. Two years later, on July 8, 1853, he bought another forty acres from the Government two miles south and five miles west of New Haven. On January 20 of the next year, he purchased an adjoining forty acres in a private sale.
William apparently lived in northwest Franklin County the rest of his life. He died on August 31, 1896, and was buried in the Evangelical and Reform Church Cemetery in New Haven.
William's first marriage was to Marie 'Mary' Hartenhorst. Mary was born in Prussia approximately 1821-22, and probably died in northwest Franklin County in the mid-1860's. She is said to be buried in the Bethany Evangelical Church cemetery southeast of Hermann.
After Mary's death, William Landwehr married Johanna Elizabeth 'Hannah' (Drewel) Indembirken. They were married in Franklin County on April 25, 1865. Hannah was born on June 4, 1831, in the Prussian village of Brockhagen, near Halle. Brockhagen is located only ten miles southwest of Joellenbeck. Hannah is said to have had three children from her prior marriage to Mr. Indembirken. We believe that William Landwehr had four children by his first wife (Mary), and six by his second wife (Hannah). Hannah died on November 18, 1916.
Friedrich 'Fred' Landwehr, born in Missouri approximately 1852.
Heinrich John 'Henry' Landwehr, born near New Haven on July 1, 1854. He married Friederike C. Begemann on February 3, 1887. They lived near Higginsville most of their lives. Henry died December 8, 1941, and is buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery at Higginsville. Friederike was born on January 1, 1866, and died on November 10, 1962.
Ella C. W. Landwehr, born December 13, 1887, died December 11, 1960, buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery in Higginsville, Missouri. No children.
Addie L. Landwehr, born May 19, 1890. Did not marry. Lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
Lydia A. Landwehr, born March 4, 1892, married John Freese on October 13, 1913, lived in Higginsville, Missouri, died March 11, 1940.
Caroline A. Landwehr, born March 14, 1894, married Daniel C. Meinershagen on September 12, 1916, died in March of 1973.
Leah W. Landwehr, born March 5, 1896, lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
John H. Landwehr, born at Higginsville, Missouri, on August 22, 1897, lived four miles north of Odessa, Missouri, married Florence Marie Colvin at Higginsville on December 2, 1934, died May 12, 1975, buried in the Greenton Cemetery.
William F. Landwehr, born August 26, 1900, married Emma Lefman on September 18, 1934, died August 16, 1973. Emma was born July 16, 1902. Both are buried in the Salem United Church of Christ Cemetery, Higginsville, Missouri.
Myrna L. Landwehr, born October 20, 1935.
Elmer A. Landwehr, born March 26, 1903, married Margaret Wagener, died September 22, 1966. Margaret was born in 1910. They are both buried in the Higginsville City Cemetery, Higginsville, Missouri.
David Keith Landwehr, born September 23, 1945, married Gladys Bredehoeft on April 12, 1969.
Cora J. Landwehr, born October 1, 1971.
Johathan D. Landwehr, born November 10, 1974.
Jean Ann Landwehr, born December 7, 1947.
Ruth J. Landwehr, born January 5, 1905, married Edward Held on October 18, 1927, lived at Higginsville, Missouri.
Louisa 'Louise' Landwehr, born in Missouri on December 24, 1858. She was married in Franklin County, Missouri on April 22, 1878 to Christian 'Chris' Wolf. They lived at Hermann, Missouri. Louise died on April 14, 1932. Christian was born on February 7, 1842, and died on September 1, 1913. They are both buried in the Hermann City Cemetery.
Caroline 'Lina' Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1861. She married Jacob Schorr.
Minna Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1864.
Charlotte Landwehr was born in Missouri on February 28, 1866, and married C. F. Busse.
Ernst Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1867. He lived on the Landwehr home place near New Haven.
Oscar Landwehr
Arthur Landwehr
Matilda Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1869. She died of the croup in April of 1870, at one year of age.
Lydia Landwehr was born in Missouri on September 8, 1872. She married Charles Mehrhoff on May 2, 1889. They lived near Berger, Missouri. She died November 15, 1945.
Mary Louise Landwehr was born near New Haven, Missouri, on March 12, 1876. She married William August Czeschin. She died on January 29, 1920, and is buried in the Evangelical Cemetery at Napoleon, Missouri.
p3.Warren County Landwehr Family:ehp3.
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:p.Casper Heinrich Landwehr was born in Hanover approximately 1809. His wife, Anna Maria Knipmeyer, was born in Hanover approximately 1810-1811. The Casper Landwehr family emigrated to the United States in 1843. They first settled on Franklin Avenue in St. Louis, where Casper was a tailor by trade. In 1849 the family moved to Warren County and settled on eighty acres north of Warrenton, just south of Big Creek.
Casper Landwehr and his wife suffered much adversity. All except three of their children died at young ages. Several died of cholera when the family lived in St. Louis. Casper's other children were:
:li.Maria 'Mary' Landwehr married Henry Bothe, and moved to Minnesota.
:li.Maria Anna Catherine 'Catherine' Landwehr was born in Hanover approximately 1839-40. She married H. W. 'Henry' Schulze, Sr., and they continued to live in Warren County.
:li.William Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1859-60.
:li.Charles Landwehr was born in St. Louis approximately 1848-49. He married Louise Drosselmeyer in April of 1873. Louise was born in Hanover approximately 1851-52. After their marriage, they lived on a farm east of St. Paul's Evangelical (Rock) Church, which is located on Highway 47 north of Warrenton. In 1879, Charles bought eighty acres of prairie land, and in 1881 built a home. He later purchased an adjoining eighty acres.
:li.George Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1873-74. Along with his brothers Edward and William, George purchased the Bolm Mill property in Truesdale in 1905. George and Edward owned the Landwehr Brothers Store in Truesdale until their deaths. George died in 1951.
:li.Edward H. Landwehr was born in Warren County on September 22, 1875. He was married to Amelia Bolm. Edward was a merchant, in the flour and feed store business. He died at Truesdale on July 27, 1944, and was buried at Warrenton.
:li.Lucile Landwehr married Julius Schulze. Lucile lives near Warrenton, and is an officer and active member of the Warren County Historical Society.
:li.Melna Landwehr married a Mr. Bolm.
:li.William F. Landwehr was a twin brother of Edward H. Landwehr. He later moved to Hawk Point, where he managed the elevator.
:li.Louis E. Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1877-78. He owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Henry Landwehr owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Sarah Landwehr married Fred Meine. They owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Anna Landwehr married Herman Welling. They owned a farm near the Landwehr home place.
:li.Lydia Landwehr remained on the home place.
:li.John Landwehr remained on the home place.
:li.George H. Landwehr was born in Missouri approximately 1855-56. He died of congestive chills in Warren County in February of 1870.
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:hp3.Gasconade County Landwehr Family:ehp3.
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:p.Friedrich Wilhelm Landwehr was born in Dissen Amt. Iburgr. Hannover, Germany on May 13, 1817. He married Anna Maria Leimkuehler, who was born in Dissen Konigreich Handfer in 1818. In 1850, Friedrich Wilhelm and Anna Maria left their native country to come to the United States, bringing with them their three small children. One report states that the colony they joined coming to America first landed at Galveston, Texas, but later found their way up the Mississippi to St. Louis. Another report states that they landed at New Orleans, then traveled up the Mississippi to St. Louis. In any event, the family came up the Missouri by boat from St. Louis to Hermann, Missouri, and then traveled through Gasconade County to a farm on Third Creek near Woollam, where they arrived in the fall of 1850.
A small acreage on Third Creek was purchased from the United States government, and gradually more land was acquired from the government and other landowners, until the farm increased in size considerably. This farm remained in the Landwehr family for over one hundred years. It was sold by August Landwehr, grandson of F. Wilhelm, in 1957.
Shortly after coming to Gascondade County, F. Wilhelm Landwehr also purchased an acreage a short distance down Third Creek from the original farm. This acreage grew over a period of twenty years or so to its present size of three hundred fifty-three acres, and it is still owned by descendants of the Landwehr family.
There were nine children in the family, although one cannot be accounted for by name, possibly having been born in Germany and passing away at an early age. Friedrich Wilhelm died on September 4, 1890, and Anna Maria died on January 9, 1900. Both are buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Wilhelm F. 'William' Landwehr was born October 1, 1840, and died December 18, 1916. He married Amalia L. Schreimann (born May 4, 1843, died June 14, 1915) on January 19, 1863. In 1873 they moved from Third Creek to Mt. Sterling. William was a cattle buyer, who rode a horse around the country buying livestock. William and Amalia are both buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Fritz Landwehr was born November 16, 1863, and died at age nine.
:li.Louis Landwehr was born January 4, 1866, and married Augusta Hoerstfeldt. He was a storekeeper and farmer at Bem, in Gasconade County.
:li.William Landwehr
:li.George Landwehr
:li.Minnie Landwehr was born in 1869, and married Edward Czeschin, a blacksmith at Mr. Sterling. Some years later they moved to Pleasant Hill and engaged in dairy farming.
:li.Edward Landwehr was born in 1871, and married Mary Class. He was a carpenter in Oklahoma City.
:li.Wesley Landwehr married Heretta Krueger.
:li.George Landwehr was born on January 15, 1873, and died February 28, 1873.
:li.Henry Landwehr was born on July 21, 1876, and died in 1947. He engaged in farming with his brother Ben at Mt. Sterling.
:li.William F. Landwehr was born on May 1, 1879, and died on March 23, 1955. He engaged in farming with his brother August. William is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.August H. Landwehr was born on July 27, 1881, and died May 29, 1949. He married Louise H. Schaeperkoetter (born November 6, 1884, died January 18, 1961) on April 7, 1907. They engaged in farming at Mt. Sterling. Both are buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Infant Daughter Landwehr was born and died in 1909.
:li.Helen Landwehr was born on November 3, 1911, and married Chester Hesemann (born January 27, 1911) on June 8, 1935.
:li.Waldo Landwehr was born on September 13, 1915. He was a teacher, and farmed at Mr. Sterling with his brother Homer.
:li.Homer Landwehr was born May 7, 1922. Waldo and Homer never married, and resided on the home farm at Mt. Sterling.
:li.Carl Landwehr was born and died in in 1884. He is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Ben Landwehr was born on June 12, 1888, and died July 15, 1964. He married Etta Brinkmann (born April 2, 1892, died November 2, 1972) on April 8, 1912. He was engaged in farming. Both Ben and Etta are buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Florence Landwehr was born January 28, 1913, and died February 3, 1913. She is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Pearl Mildred Landwehr was born on June 25, 1915, and died July 13, 1915. She is buried in the Zoar Methodist Church Cemetery near Drake.
:li.Myrtle Landwehr was born August 1, 1916. She married Arthur Schneider (born August 31, 1914) on January 16, 1939.
:li.Opal Landwehr was born February 12, 1921. She worked at the shoe factory.
:li.Leslie Landwehr was born August 2, 1925. He was a farmer.
:li.Eunice Landwehr was born November 28, 1931, and married Nolan Rinne (born November 25, 1929) on April 21, 1956. They lived at Holt Summit.
:li.Katherine Landwehr was six years old when they came to America. She married Fredrick Witte and lived near Bay, in Gasconade County.
:li.Friedrich 'Fritz' Landwehr was born in Dissen Amt. Iburg. Hanover, Germany on February 2, 1849, and came to America with his parents at the age of one year. Fritz married Henrietta Kremer. They had four children: Henry, William, Mary, and August.
:p.Henrietta was born on March 28, 1854, and died March 4, 1883. She is buried in St. John's Cemetery near Woollam. In January of 1884, Fritz married Caroline S. Ridder (born June 29, 1863, died July 13, 1943). They had two children: Emma and Julius. Fritz lived on the Landwehr farm on Third Creek, which had been acquired by his parents when they came to America in 1850. In 1896, they moved a short distance down Third Creek to another farm owned by his parents, where they farmed until his death on May 14, 1931. Both are buried in the Zoar Presbyterian Cemetery.
:li.Henry Landwehr married Lizzie Leimkuehler. Their marriage ended in divorce. While married, they ran a general store at Stolpe. Later Henry went to Winifred, South Dakota, where he was postmaster. On his retirement, he returned to Missouri, and passed away on August 31, 1954.
:ol compact.
:li.Armin Landwehr
:li.Clarence Landwehr
:li.Stella Landwehr
:li.William Landwehr was born on October 1, 1876. He married Wilhelmina Hunke. They lived on the original Landwehr farm from 1900 to 1909, when they moved to Waukomis, Oklahoma. Their first four children were born near Woollam, in Gasconade County. Their last six children were born in Oklahoma. William moved his family and possessions by train, and farmed near Waukomis. He died October 26, 1958.
:ol compact.
:li.Caroline (Lena) Landwehr
:li.Laura Landwehr
:li.Hulda Landwehr
:li.Flora Landwehr
:li.Harry Landwehr
:li.Elmer Landwehr
:li.Verda Landwehr
:li.Marvin Landwehr
:li.Fern Landwehr
:li.Marcella Landwehr
:li.Mary Landwehr married Charles Schlottach and lived in St. Louis at the time of the World's Fair. Later they moved to the Woollam area. Then they moved to Oklahoma where they farmed, later moving to Enid.
:li.August F. Landwehr was born October 23, 1882 and in 1909 married Frieda Brinkmann (born December 1, 1882, died September 15, 1915). They engaged in mercantile business in Higginsville for a while, but later moved back to the Woollam area. Frieda died in 1915, and is buried in the Third Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. After his second marriage, to Katherine D. 'Katie' Haring (born April 20, 1893, died November 3, 1952) in 1918, August resided on the original Landwehr farm. Katie passed away in 1952, and in 1957 he sold the farm. The farm had been in the family for over 100 years. He moved to Owensville and married Mrs. Alma Wolking in 1958. He died on July 1, 1967. August and his second wife, Katie, are both buried in the Owensville City Cemetery.
:li.Emma Landwehr married Benjamin Suelthaus. They had one daughter.
:li.Julius Landwehr was born on February 16, 1894, and married Lizzie F. Laubert on November 17, 1917. They lived on the Landwehr farm. Julius died on May 25, 1973, and Lizzie died on August 16, 1974. Both are buried in the Owensville City Cemetery.
:li.Sterling Landwehr married Mrs. May Wright, and continued to live on the Landwehr farm until August 1978, when they sold the farm and moved to Owensville.
:li.Mary Landwehr was born about 1859, married August Schroeder in 1878, and died on May 8, 1915. They lived at Dunbar, Nebraska, and had five children.
:li.John Henry 'Henry' Landwehr was born March 7, 1854. He married Anna Schroeder (born August 10, 1860), sister of the August Schroeder who married Henry's sister, on March 11, 1880. They moved to Lorton, Nebraska, in 1890. Henry died on February 10, 1920.
:li.Diedrich Landwehr married Sophia Teten.
:li.Willard Landwehr married Maxine Wurtele.
:li.Herman Landwehr married Emma, and lived at Dunbar, Nebraska.
:li.Lorene Landwehr
:li.Hilda Landwehr
:li.Roy Landwehr married Eilene Klingenberg. They have three sons.
:li.Henry Landwehr married Leona Bromeier, and lived at Dunbar, Nebraska.
:li.Dean Landwehr married Eilene Henry.
:li.Don Landwehr married Kathleen Schulte.
:li.Lavonne Landwehr married Victor Grundman.
:li.Anna Landwehr married Albert Weber. They had two sons. Anna died in 1935.
:li.Ida Landwehr married Carl Doermann. They had three sons. Ida died in 1935.
:li.Lydia Landwehr married Frank Meyer. They lived at Talmage, Nebraska, and had three daughters.
:li.Amanda Landwehr married Walter Vollertson. They had two children, and lived at Cook, Nebraska.
:li.Wilhelmina 'Minnie' Landwehr married Hermann Neese (born September 15, 1845, died January 20, 1937) on April 29, 1875. They lived along Third Creek. Both are buried in St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Anna Landwehr was born on January 3, 1852, and died on April 20, 1868, about a year after Dietrich's death. She is buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.
:li.Dietrich Landwehr was born on June 26, 1855. He was thrown from a horse at the age of twelve, and died as a result of the accident on July 26, 1867. He is buried in the St. John's Cemetery near Woollam.